P1XEL AND THE SILVER SPHINX is an experiment designed to remind us that we get out of music what we put into it. I believe allowing people to play through the story of the album to unlock the songs one at a time may give them the opportunity to invest emotionally in the most undervalued commodity of our time: the recorded song. Conventional digital formats are uninspiring. You don't have to work for it, you have to actively fight it off. Music is everywhere all the time for free.

And keep in mind, first half is until the end of June 2023, so it can be another full year of development. Project songwriter Gabriel McElwain explains: "Procuring music today is painfully boring. I know we would get gameplay next month, but the fact that we have nothing but concept art 5 to 6 months before release is not exactly ideal to making it out this year.
Hope for the tapedeck how to#
The cassette single artwork includes exclusive tips on how to access secret bonus content within the text adventure game. In commemoration of this unique achievement, venerable cassette-only label Hope For The Tape Deck is releasing a limited-edition cassette single featuring the songs, "Masterpiece," and, "Make It Big". What this means is that as of that date, you can go to the game website and explore the story of the album by typing in commands such as, "LOOK TAXIDERMIED TIGER", "GET LEATHER JACKET", and, "ATTACK THEIA", unlocking free downloads of all twelve songs as you play. On July 7, 2015, they intend to release this album via a web-based text adventure game. P1XEL AND THE SILVER SPHINX is a team of reverse glam rock musicians who have recorded an album of gripping rock 'n' roll songs about a pensive robot on a long-abandoned moon colony.